Geocaching With JeepCruzer
Going where no one had gone before... there was something there to find.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
SLC TB Crash Pad returns to service
SLC TB Crash Pad is back and better than ever. It's only a short jaunt down the road from where it was before but in a area where you'll stick out less to the police. If you've found this cache before, go ahead and log it as a new find as the coordinates are quite different from the previous ones. The spot is in a strip of public land next to a horse pasture. Take care to avoid the electified fence coralling the horses. We're placing Goatee the Goat TB and Flying Eagle to intiate the cache. All bugs that were in the cache before it's dissapearance have thus far been unretrieveable.
Barnard Creek Cache is back in business
I realized why the cache container dissaperared. The tree/bush it was hiding under no longer exists. The rocks I'd hauled to cover the cache were still there, so I re used them to cover the new cache placed just mere inches from the original location. Good luck in your search!
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Friday, March 11, 2005
Many Thanks
Many thanks to Delta and Zoe & Captain Kybo for thier efforts in saving George in Centerville. An excerpt from D&Z's log:
"...In 1' of water the middle of the ditch was the cache container. No lid. A Muggle had tossed it over the fence. Remarkably, the log book was still wedged inside. We logged in, cobbled together a 'plastic-wrap' lid from nearby trash, and restored the cache to where we think it was supposed to be. 'Covered it with leaves too."Log by Delta and Zoe for George in Centerville (Traditional Cache)