Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Placing a Jeep Bug

Time to get this JeepBug on the road. I volunteered to help distribute one of the new Jeep Commache Travel Bugs a while back and decided I'd take to oppotunity to place it in a hillside cache that needed some attention. We placed it in the newly refurbished the Rick's Creek Cache this past weekend and got it off and running. I hope it's not narcassisistic to use a cache I own, but since it was badly in need of help and it was a cache that took a little hiking to get to, I figured it was an ideal place to hide a new JeepBug. Don't miss out on the chance to see the Rick's Creek Falls while you're up there either. I mjust say, it's really a bit of an honor to help in this little Jeep Distribution endevor. If you want to watch the progress of this Jeep visit and lookup travel bug TB138JV or go directly to the bug tracking page.


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