Thursday, September 27, 2007

The View

The View (GC13FHG) was an awesome cache for a rainy Sunday afternoon. Outstanding hiding spot. There's something about geocaching in the rain that makes the task much more fun. It's an easy way to make some outdoor fun on an otherwise bleak day.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Springville Caches

We were treated to a quick cache evening over the Labor Day Weekend by my Sister-In-Law and our friend, Josh. A little time and a couple flash lights were all we needed to knock our three of our four targets. Incidentally, if you know where "Sign your life away" is hidden, we'd love the help.
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Friday, September 14, 2007

High Quality

I love a well planned, placed, and hidden cache. One that's built to last. Domaine Cache (GCVDRJ) is just such a Geocache. Located just off Bountiful Blvd. Domaine is cut into the ground, built of a box of 4x6's, encased in an ammo can, and covered with a cinder tile. Awesome!
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North Canyon Cache

My wife's Grand Cherokee got a decent workout as we tracked down the North Canyon Trail Cache (GCWWGT.) It's been years since I've driven up North Canyon and I don't think I've ever driven all the way to the trail head. The washout on the road has gotten worse over the years and there were a few place where I wondered if even in the Jeep we had high enough clearance to make it through some obstacles. In the end, the trip was great, the scenery excellent and we even saw some local wildlife (A large bull moose.)
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